Monday, August 28, 2006

2nd Amendment Carnival Tomorrow!

Stan just let me know he's going to post another 2A Carnival tomorrow. If you have a submission, get it in ASAP.

Because It's Worked So Well Everywhere Else It's Been Tried

City leaders like Aldermen Yusuf Shah have had enough and are coming up with a few proposals to curb youth violence. One idea is a gun buy-back program.
It's amazing what passes for a "leader" these days. But I'm sure there will be no shortage of lemmings to follow.

Gun Facts Version 4.1

The updated version of Guy Smith's valuable Second Amendment resource book is now online.

The Gun Went Off

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According to law-enforcement officials and other gun experts, you could throw a gun with its safety on from a helicopter and it will not go off.

“I can tell you that we have never had a safety fail,” Atlantic County Sheriff's Officer Phil Tucker said. “If your finger is on the trigger and you pull the trigger the gun will go off. It doesn't just go off on its own.”
Now understand: he just got done explaining the mechanics in detail to "authorized journalist" Madeline Vitaly. He even dispels the common myth about Glocks being prone to accidental discharges. He explains it in terms a child can understand:
"[U]nless you pull the trigger, a Glock won't just go bang.”

So what does our intrepid reporter write in the very next paragraph?
...Detective Adam Brownlee's gun went off and his girlfriend Denise Foley, 22, was shot in the leg.

Do Gun Owners Really Want to Stop Constant Assaults on 2nd Amendment?

This increasingly draconian government is running amok because the feminized men of this country protect it with their fear, laziness or territorial imperatives for fund raising or membership drives.
Devvy Kidd is dead on when she indicts "gun owners who only want someone else to fight for their Second Amendment rights..."

A Walk in the Park

...[Derrick] Redd had been arguing with people in the park before he went to his car, grabbed a gun and fired it into the air. He then headed toward 58-year-old James Woody of Pine Bluff, who was unloading his boat.

Holland said Woody saw Redd approaching, reached into his truck, grabbed a gun and positioned himself behind his truck for protection. Redd chased Woody around the truck and threatened to kill him. But the detective said Woody turned and shot Redd in the head and killed him.
Lurch here ought to tell Mr. Woody why guns in parks are a bad idea...

Lest Ye Be Judged

Judge Haywood Turner is charged with pointing a pistol. Police say it appears to be a case of road rage...Investigators say the driver of the car said an older, white male driving a Mercedes attempted wouldn't let them merge, and then pointed a pistol at them...Police did a tag trace, and found the Mercedes registered to Judge Turner...Investigators say he turned himself in on Friday, and was charged with two misdemeanor counts of pointing a pistol.


In Georgia, "simple assault," which is a misdemeanor, includes when you:
"Commit an act that places another in apprehension of receiving violent injury."

Aggravated assault, which is a felony:
"occurs when you assault someone...2) With a deadly weapon..."

So is Judge Turner being judged the way you or I would be judged?

Judge for yourself.

UPDATE: Reason Engaged appropriately pegs this one as belonging in the "Only Ones" category.