Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Colored By Penny's Feelings

“York, who admitted that her “decision is colored by my feelings,” described her experience of knowing five people who have died from gunfire, four by suicide and one in a hunting incident.”  [More]
What the hell does that have to do with our rights?

She knew four people who have offed themselves? Who does she hang with, pun intended...?

Again, what does that have to do with the rest of us, and why do these scenes from Airplane! come to mind?


Ned said...

Well, if she was friends with four people who subsequently offed themselves with guns, perhaps she should make the rest of the population safer by not having friends.

Too bad her late friends didn't unfriend her. They might have chosen life. I guess the moral of the story is - some people just make other folks want to kill themselves.

rkshanny said...

Her kind don't see us as individuals with rights, just as herd animals in the collective who have to be overseen for the "public good". You know: one lemming goes over the cliff, the rest just might follow, so Big Bro has to enter the "Animal Farm" picture!

Mack said...

A "Penny for your Feelings"

That doesn't sound right.