Friday, January 30, 2015

We're the Only Ones Spicing Up Your Life Enough

That's the old pepper!  [More]

Somebody needs to do something about this shrieking, violent, incompetent lunatic.  Like give us her name, for starters.

I love how the "progressives" she's no doubt indiscriminately spraying also almost universally hold the position that police are the "Only Ones" who can be trusted with guns in a public setting.  I'll bet they'd all be fine if Officer Bipolar/Possessed here walked into the House and Senate galleries and other public buildings with a gun, solely because of the magic badge and uniform. I have been to many an armed event over the years, and never once seen a gun owner act like this.


Ed said...

why do the misplaced words "Disperse, ye damned rebels" come to mind?

Ned said...

Well, this is obviously going to be the latest meme on social media. Any bets to how long it takes her to claim -and get- permanent disability like the last sprayer did?