Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Bill of Rights Responsible for 'Progressive' Violence!

Radio host: Argument for 2nd Amendment is what caused shooter to attack Republicans [More]
Just think. None of this would have happened if we'd only hanged those racist, fascist, Nazi anti-government extremists at Lexington and Concord, and stayed subjects of the Crown.

This Dave Ross pygmy, with his headline grasp of concepts he presumes to teach (but doesn't even belong in the class without passing the prerequisites), isn't even original. Ol' Josh has been belting out that monotonous tune for years.

[Via Michael G]


Chas said...

The left is so eager to save us from the "tyranny of freedom", particularly the 2nd Amendment, that they're willing to shoot us to save us. They don't make sense like that.

Steve said...

What's a day reading the news without a hefty dose of the stupid?

Jeffersonian said...


Horrible, horrible freedom.